The Platform

Re-entry Services and Support

St. Louis has a significant population of people impacted by the criminal legal system who now struggle to survive due to the added barriers that a criminal record creates. People with criminal records often face immense challenges in finding employment, safe housing, and other resources. Having personal experience with the criminal legal system, I know firsthand how difficult it is to navigate these obstacles.

What can we do? I have some ideas.

St. Louis rightfully banned the box in hiring over a decade ago, and at any given time, we have 700 open city jobs. Employment is one of the biggest hurdles facing people who have been tangled in the criminal legal system connecting directly impacted people with St Louis City jobs that pay at least $15/hr with benefits with decrease poverty, reduce crime and recidivism with the added benefit of filling vacant city jobs that provide needed city services would be a game changer for the City and the people of St Louis.

As the Alderwoman of the 3rd Ward I would:

  • Work with the Personnel Department to implement a policy connecting those people directly to City jobs by placing satellite offices inside the offices of the Department of Probation and Parole.

  • Work with the state and the Mayor’s Administration to increase funding for SLATE, Employment Connection, and Thomas Dunn Center to provide additional training, certifications, and GED programs to prepare people for employment in City government.